Category Archives: weapons

it’s 50 years since Churchill died.


Well do I remember those cold winter days and nights when thousands queued silently to pay their respects to one of greatest figures of history.
And I remember the journey on the Thames barge, as if a salute by Royalty to a great Commoner.

To realize that was 50 years ago means we who remember him still have become a part of history.

thinking about gaza-truths, half-truths and lies: help to tiptoe through the issues


Map of gaza; Wikimedia Commons

‘Both sides of this conflict need to compromise’ John Kerry. By the way the USA paid for the bombs that did the damage in Gaza and will pay for most of the aid to rebuild it.
Billions of dollars that could have been spent constructively-treating malaria and Ebola for example.

Also bizarre seeing the commemoration of the centenary of the start of the ‘war to end wars’ by Britain juxtaposed on the TV news with pictures of the Israelis waging a ‘hightech war’ bombing Gaza installations and incurring heavy and predictable civilian casualities in the process.

there is good news

Syria is cooperating with the inspectors to destroy chemical weapons.

Pope Francis has a conversation with Eugenio Scalfari….How the Church must change. ‘You need to meet people and listen to them.’

Oracle retains America’s cup for the USA after a series of races that has transformed sailing for ever and demonstrates how teamwork can transform a situation.

People who look for good news.

looking towards Syria, dawn 21 august 2013


Blood red towards the east was the sky that morning

But here was no blood, just desperate writhing bodies

Foaming at the mouth and gasping, struggling there.

Looking towards Syria that fateful morning.


But there was no blood, so why the red?

Perhaps it’s Gaia‘s blush of shame.

An attack at night on sleeping children.

Looking towards Syria.  She tries to understand.


In future years the old soldier talking with yet unborn children….

Oh yes!  He said, I was part of the brigade that did the gas attacks.

For there were many!  He talked,eyes shining, standing straight.

“I saved my country then and I am proud to tell you that.”

Looking towards Syria and trying to understand.

Text and photographs geoff clements

all the world’s a stage!


All for one and one for all!

Appalled the world watches while children burn!

Horrified the spectators stare!  So many maimed.

This is not a Virtual Reality show!

This is real! in living rooms everywhere!

Now!  Do something! and act decisively!

But how?


Albi cathedral The Last Judgement.


No quiz show with the answer there!

Real people dying on-screen now!

Death is no bluff to be postponed!

Or a political position

Taken at one’s choice!

It is there! Inevitable! For us all.

But now?

Standing over Syria

Syrian traditional costume.

Details on Syria and an interactive map..

Is there no other way but force?

So many have died already.

Use our imagination and humanity.

Syria is a country of the bible,

Proud peoples with an ancient history.

The world wishes that no more should die.

Gassed in their sleep like rats.

A dirty deed that no one claims.

Women and children are fleeing

Leaving their men behind to fight and die.

Let us think. There are other ways.

Who is standing for what over Syria?

Stand up! Stand up and be counted!

Geoff Clements

past and present-base sous-marine bordeaux(bordeaux submarine base)

The submarine base being built;
The Submarine Base Bordeaux now (Google)

Present and past are mixing now.

The veil of present sifting

Always sifting through the past.


Isn’t she like her mother!

Such a joker, always laughing!

Blonde hair and so keen on the boys!

Hope she doesn’t end up in trouble!


I remember being stuck in a tram

Stuck in a tram during an air raid

On the Pont de Pierre

Nothing to be done but sit and hope.


The RAF was bombing the Nazi submarine base.

Two kilometers away down the river.

If they missed French lives were lost.

It is still there built by slave labour.


Impossible to destroy even now!

Thousands of tons of concrete reinforced

With railway lines. The bombs bounced

Off the roof when they hit directly.


Now a marine base and exhibition centre

With many coloured flags, modern art

And children playing. So different

From that dark night many years ago.


That I remember and  which colours the present.

So when I am gone, who will remember?

Will some one carry the flame of that night

For those who died for us to be free.

Text Geoff Clements


French translation,:  thanks, Anne Marie Clements


The Ban and the Bit: Alan Turing, Claude Shannon, and the Entropy Measure

The origin of the term ‘entropy’, a measure of the quantity of information
within a signal.

Girl Meets Whiskey

Claude Shannon

I didn’t realize [Turing] was as important as he was.
— Claude Shannon1

In late 1945, as World War II was drawing to a close, John von Neumann began assembling a small group of engineers at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at Princeton to design, build, and program an electronic digital computer. In the spring of that year, von Neumann had visited Los Alamos (specifically, the target selection committee of the Manhattan Project, the group responsible for choosing the first targets of the atomic bomb) to oversee computations related to the expected size of atomic bomb blasts, estimated death tolls, and the distance above the ground at which the bombs should be detonated for maximum effect (Rhodes, 1986). When von Neumann arrived at the IAS, his focus had shifted. “I am thinking about something much more important than bombs,” he remarked in 1946. “I am thinking about computers”…

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